The Fourth Wall

the fourth wall

After Ryan Reyolds starred in Deadpool, almost everyone is aware of the character and its ability to break the fourth wall by having humorous conversations with the viewers.

What is the fourth wall and why am I talking about it. (Let’s take these questions serially)

What is the fourth wall?

It is a space that separates a performer or performance from an audience. (It is copied from google dictionary. And this is exactly how you break the fourth wall.)

(The kind of person I am, always expect a little detailing. Actually, the kind of person I am, do not expect anything from me. :D)

When you view anything on video, you see a plot involving characters that are moving the story forward by contextually talking to one another. Any visual scene in a movie always takes place in a 3-D environment (A 3-D environment consists of a floor, a ceiling, and four walls).

Now, when you are looking through the screen, the fourth wall to the performer is the camera (and a screen for you relatively). So, at any given time, you observe the happenings of the scene between these three walls. A character who interacts with the audience outside of the storyline is said to be breaking the fourth wall.

Why am I talking about it?

A million things cross my mind when I’m writing about a topic. So, in order to stay relevant and also convey what I’m actually feeling, I have to have a structure or a format (if that’s the word you like) for my writing.

Here’s the list that describes my format of writing.

  1. All the things relevant to the post are usually written in a general format.
  2. The text that you’ll often see written between brackets (and in a regular format) is usually the contextual information that I wish to add.
  3. The text that is italicized and underlined in brackets is how I break the fourth wall. (You know what I am saying, right?)

(or Bye)

Update (on November 13, 2018 04:15 AM)

The breaking of the fourth wall can only be done in a play or a movie, where the performer is not directly talking to the audience, and then he does. It happens when there is a story to tell. In theory, I am not breaking the fourth wall.

This blog-writing is a play for me. I am trying to build a narrative to explain what I think, and sometimes, I have things to add that are out of context from the topic I am writing about. Practically speaking, I am breaking the fourth wall beaches (FYI, I invent my own cuss words. Someday I’ll write a post about it. And I’ll link it here)

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